


Shabby chic wall art. High quality prints and canvas for your decor

Welcome to our curated range of shabby chic wall art prints and canvas for your home-decor!

Shabby chic wall art is one of the highlights of our collection of contemporary prints. In fact, in order to keep up with the new interior design trends, that have experienced a great revival of the shabby chic style in recent years, we have selected a wide range of shabby chic art prints and canvas, which are original and beautifully crafted.

In our collection of shabby chic wall art you will therefore find different themes:

  • modern paintings with flowers in vases or Mason Jars, a real must for contemporary shabby chic decor, so much so that this series of prints by artist Jenny Thomlinson is having a huge success in the United States of America
  • shabby chic-style prints on canvas representing windows on the sea, where the wood of windows and sills is a clear remainder to the colors and grain of wood, perfect as big size prints for any bedroom or living room in a shabby chic style
  • prints with white flowers with a more modern flavor, suitable for different types of furnishings, from the shabby-chic to the modern minimal
  • country chic wall art, really perfect for the country house

All our prints are available as canvas or framed prints ready to hang on your walls, in order to give a unique, shabby-chic look to your living room, kitchen or bedroom.

Relax and take your time to choose your favorite canvas art or print from our shabby chic collection or explore our floral prints section in order see the wide variety of flowers prints available.

All you need to do is choose the prints you like and select the size that fits your walls. At Art Print Café we are committed to providing you with best quality products. In fact, every Art Print Café print is guaranteed 100% Made in Italy, and is printed with professional equipment, using the best water-based inks, long-lasting and non-toxic.
Once printed, our canvas and art prints are hand-stretched or framed by our staff. Moreover, shipping is free!

Choose now among our shabby chic wall art prints and canvas

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